Kisi-kisi Soal UTS dan UAS Elektronika Beserta Jawaban

SOAL A 1) Berikut ini yang termasuk komponen elektronika dengan jenis komponen pasif yaitu ....

Kisi-kisi Soal UTS dan UAS Sistem Terdistribusi Beserta Jawaban

SOAL A 1. Berikut ini yang merupakan karakteristik dari definisi sistem terdistribusi adalah ....

Remove Bios Password and Harddissk (HDD) Laptop

I think to remove the bios password on an average PC is already can, although without having to memorize the password. the system jumpers or removing battery bios. ever see a supervisor, admin, system, HDD, bios, setup password?

Memperbaiki Kick Starter Motor Matic

Motor Matic is a motor that is the easiest to use and most in our homeland. please note that the motor also takes care of very sensitive, just like a computer that also takes care of sensitive anyway.

Gejala Kerusakan Mesin Air Submersible Metabo

Mesin Air Submersible atau yang sering disebut kebanyakan orang (satelit) ini sangat bagus, dengan sistemnya yang canggih dan fleksible. tipe mesin yang berbasis kerja di dalam tanah dan hanya menggunakan satu pipa ini, sangat berguna untuk anda yang memiliki banyak lumpur atau air kuning setelah pengeboran.

31 May 2011

Meremove Lamp ( Linux, Apache, Mysql, Php )

Dulu kita pernah menginstall Lamp linux, nah disini adalah cara untuk meng-uninstall Lamp di ubuntu.  Sebelum melakukannya, sebaiknya kita backup database kita terlebih dulu. Langkah untuk meremove Lamp adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Remove phpmyadmin

sudo apt-get purge libapache2-mod-auth-mysql phpmyadmin

*Kalau ada pertanyaan jawab Oke aja atau Yes ;)

2. Remove mysql

sudo apt-get purge mysql-server mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1

3. Remove apache

sudo apt-get purge apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php5

sudo apt-get autoremove

4. Cek localhostnya, misal


Kalau ada pertanyaan jawab Oke aja atau Yes ;)

29 May 2011

Diam Tanpa Kata - D'Masiv

Kau Diam Tanpa Kata
Kau Seolah Jenuh Padaku
Ku Ingin Kau Bicara
Katakan Saja Apa Salahku

Sungguh Aku Tak Mengerti
Apa Yang Telah Terjadi Dan
Ku Tak Ingin Kau Pergi Jauh Dari Hidupku

Kau Takkan Pernah Sadari
Betapaku Mencintaimu
Kau Yang Selalu Aku Banggakan

Ku Ingin Kau Bicara
Katakan Saja Apa Maumu
Lihat Aku Coba Kau Mengerti

Ini Semua Bisa Teratasi
Resapilah Semua Yang Pernah Kita Lakukan

Kau Takkan Pernah Sadari
Betapaku Mencintaimu
Kau Yang Selalu Aku Banggakan

Kau Takkan Pernah Mengerti
Betapaku Menyayangimu
Kau Yang Selalu Aku Inginkan

Kau Yang Kuinginkan…
Kau Yang Kubutuhkan…
Kau Yang Kuharapkan…


20 May 2011

Install Picasa 3.0 For Linux

Picasa adalah program photo yang free dari google. Kalau di windows kita mungkin udah lama dengar atau bahkan memakainya. Kali ini kita akan menginstall picasa 3.0 untuk Linux. Langkah yang perlu kita lakukan adalah men-download aplikasinya atau langsung  kehalaman downloadnya di sini untuk lebih detail-nya

About Picasa
Install untuk ubuntu ( saya gunakan yang i386 ) :

Masuk ke terminal dan ketikkan 
sudo dpkg -i picasa_3.0-current_i386.deb

atau double click saja file picasa_3.0-current_i386.deb yang tadi kita download, maka ubuntu akan secara otomatis menginstallnya.

Feature baru:
  • Perbaikan integrasi dengan Picasa Web Albums
  • Sinkronisasi web album picasa dengan Picasa 3 dan Web Albums edits, change seting online album dari Picasa, menghapus album  Picasa online.
  • Upload Drop-box dan bandwidth throttling membuat upload foto lebih baik.
  • Retouch tool baru untuk meningkatkan kualitas foto.
  • Auto red-eye.
  • Menambahkan text atau watermarks ke foto.
Setelah loading selesai, kita akan dihadapkan pada halaman "Warning". Sebaiknya baca dengan seksama apa yang ada disana :) kalau sudah, klick Yes. Maka akan tiba di jendela Picasa Web Browser Integration. Untuk tidak memunculkan itu tiap kali picasa dijalankan, checklist-lah pada Never show this dialog again. Pada Picasa License Agreement, Klick NextI Agree.

Pictures proses :

Licence Agreement

Picasa 3.0 Linux


18 May 2011

Ubuntu 11.04 Dengan Gnome Desktop

Secara default ubuntu 11.04 menggunakan Unity Desktop. Meski menawarkan tampilan yang lebih menarik tapi bagi beberapa user yang terbiasa menggunakan Gnome Desktop, hal ini akan memberikan sedikit kebingungan.

Saya sendiri mengalami hal itu, hingga berfikir lagi untuk kembali menggunakan Gnome Desktop. Dalam release 11.04 ini apabila kita ingin kembali menggunakan Gnome Desktop tidaklah memerlukan langkah yang sulit. Hal ini dimungkinkan dengan adanya opsi pada login screen ubuntu.
System Monitor
ubuntu 11.04
Sama halnya kalau kita menginstall beberapa Desktop environment pada ubuntu kita, disana akan ada pilihan bagi kita untuk menggunakan desktop yang mana. Jadi cara untuk beralih ke Gnome Desktop pada ubuntu 11.04 Natty adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Log Out.. apabila kita udah login ke Unity Desktop
  • Pilih user kita dan masukkan password seperti biasa
  • Pada pilihan desktop envi-nya kita pilih ke "Ubuntu Clasic"
  • Login
Unity Desktop Ubuntu 11.04
unity desktop ubuntu 11.04

Maka saat kita login akan dibawa pada desktop Gnome. :)

16 May 2011

Font Manager

Sempet ada yang nanya bagaimana cara kita untuk memanage font pada ubuntu? Kali ini kita coba untuk memanage font di ubuntu menggunakan aplikasi yang ringan tapi bagus dalam hal managemen font di ubuntu. Kita bisa menginstall Font Manager.

Caranya? Langsung saja dah..

Buka terminal dan ketikkan perintah ini :

sudo apt-get install font-manager

Tunggu sampai prosesnya selesai.

Font Manager memiliki fungsi untuk :

  • Preview dari font
  • Install & hapus font
  • Mengaktifkan/nonaktifkan font
  • dll... coba aja dulu dah.. :)

09 May 2011


ELEANOR HALL: Now to an unusual take on the role of Hollywood in US politics.

The University of California professor of history, Steven Ross, is challenging the view that Hollywood is a hotbed of liberal radicalism.

Professor Ross, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his earlier research on the film industry, has written a new book called Hollywood Left and Right.

He is in Australia at the moment as a guest of the United States Studies Centre, and he joined me in the studio this morning to explain why he argues that Hollywood is far more conservative than its reputation would suggest.

STEVEN ROSS: Well, if you take a look at the long history of Hollywood, there are two things that come out that are really quite striking.

The first is, in fact conservatives have a longer history in Hollywood than liberals and the difference is the Hollywood Left, as I argue in this book, has been far more visible and numerous - no question about it - but if you're taking a look at political power, who really has shaped the very nature of American government, of American state, of what the obligations are? It's been the Hollywood right.

ELEANOR HALL: Well, Ronald Reagan would of course be the most powerful of the movie star politicians - not only governor of California but then president - but are you saying that the conservatism in the movie industry was more pervasive?

STEVEN ROSS: Oh, it's far more pervasive than people think. In fact Americans associate the red scare with senator McCarthy but the people who invited the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) Committee in to Hollywood during the 1940s were the conservatives who really came out the MGM studio.

It was Louis B. Mayer who brought Hollywood to the Republican Party and the Republican Party to Hollywood.

ELEANOR HALL: So why is there this discrepancy? Why is it always assumed by political organisers, for example, in campaigns even as recently as the last presidential campaign, that Hollywood stars will support Democrats?

STEVEN ROSS: Well, Hollywood stars generally do support Democrats and they will come in on elections from time to time. The Hollywood Right has focused on winning political power and they've been far fewer in numbers but far more influential.

ELEANOR HALL: You mentioned Louis Mayer there. Did conservatism coincide with the rise of the studio system?

STEVEN ROSS: I would say the studio system coincided with the rise of conservatism. It was really during and after World War One that Hollywood became Hollywood - that is, where you've got eight studios by the 1920s that were controlling 90 to 95 per cent of all the movies made and shown in America.

Before Mayer, studios were contributing to Democrats, Republicans or Socialists - anyone who would oppose censorship and oppose federal control over the industry. And Mayer said ‘This is ridiculous. We can actually have much more influence’.

And he did it both for personal reasons - to move up in the Republican Party, which he did - but also, his studio was able to write the State Department and ambassadors directly. He could use his friends in Washington to ease any production problems abroad.

The main studio that would rival Louis B. Mayer was the Warner Brothers, trying to be the counter balance. But the difference is that Mayer was very much entrenched in the party. He was the first studio to do what we call today in America the 'dirty tricks campaign'.

ELEANOR HALL: Yes, that's a very interesting one. Tell us about that 1934 dirty tricks campaign, which is very early, isn't it?

STEVEN ROSS: Yes it is. I mean Mayer understood the power of visual images in the media in politics and what he did was, this was an election where Upton Sinclair, a Socialist turned Democrat, was running for governor of California.

Mayer got so scared he sent out one of their reporters to “create” these newsreels.

ELEANOR HALL: Fake newsreels?

STEVEN ROSS: Fake newsreels. They would interview supporters but they were all staged, they were actors. And then he would have scenes of tramps coming into California.

At the time, people said that those newsreels threw the election because they were really saying ‘If Sinclair is elected, we're going to have a Communist state in California’.

ELEANOR HALL: So how big a part has Hollywood played in shaping US politics?

STEVEN ROSS: Hollywood has played a role in many different ways. People like Harry Belafonte and James Fonda, Warren Beatty; they are putting out movies that offer really progressive visions.

The problem is that these aren't huge political impacts in the way George Murphy and Ronald Reagan practised what I call 'movement politics.' They were focused on changing the very nature of our government. And one the things I argue, they are not ideological brains behind the conservative movement, but what they do- what Reagan and Murphy did was to put a friendly face on conservatism.

ELEANOR HALL: So is the influence of Hollywood increasing or decreasing now in an age when everyone can be celebrity?

STEVEN ROSS: Everyone can be a celebrity but not everyone gets listened to. So I think you can look at the 2008 election and I would argue that the most powerful celebrity in America was Oprah Winfrey, that Oprah Winfrey undoubtedly helped Barack Obama get the nomination and in getting the nomination, helped him get the presidency.

ELEANOR HALL: So what's your judgement in the end, is this degree of influence from Hollywood good or bad for US democracy?

STEVEN ROSS: Well, I think it cuts both ways. It's good in the sense that movie stars like Oprah and Arnold have both increased voter turnout, so to that extent it's positive. On the other hand, there's very much a danger when a celebrity is driving all this and not offering serious content.

That people were voting for Arnold without- in the polls I was reading were showing most of them didn't vote for him because they knew what his plan was, they voted for him because he was saying "Hasta la vista" to politicians who don't, you know, do their job, and calling legislators "girly men".

And so people then vote because they think that the image of the celebrity is going to translate into the kind of politician he or she will be. And that is dangerous for democracy, that is where demagogues come off. So, you know, how do you balance it out? It's both good and it's bad and it really depends on citizens being vigilant.

ELEANOR HALL: And it's a fascinating area of study. Steven Ross, thanks very much for joining us.

STEVEN ROSS: Thank you.

EDITOR'S NOTE: A longer version of this interview can be found on The World Today website.

02 May 2011

Play DVD Video DI Ubuntu

Untuk memainkan DVD Video di ubuntu, bisa dengan cara ini :

Pastikan anda menggunakan hak administrator.
Tambahkan repository medibuntu :

wget –output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

Tambahkan juga GPG Key

apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update

Update sistem kita dengan apt-get update dan tunggu sampai prosesnya selesai.

Setelah selesai, maka kita lanjutkan dengan menginstall library libdvdcss, dengan :

apt-get install libdvdcss2
cd /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/


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